
6 easy effects for realistic close-ups

How to create striking close-ups with Lumion's versatile effects

Focus on the finer details

Close-ups can create a stronger, more personal connection between a render and its viewer. Take vegetation, for example. By using highly detailed, lifelike imagery—such as leaves, flowers, or other natural elements—you can bring a sense of energy and realism to your scene and tie the architecture with its surroundings.

This vivid close-up of a chestnut tree was crafted using a stack of just six effects in Lumion. Want to know everything that went into it? Let us show you.

#1 Ray tracing & subsurface scattering

Ray tracing is the secret ingredient that enhances realism like nothing else. By producing lifelike interactions between light and the leaves’ physical properties, it highlights every detail and imperfection in a way that mirrors real-life nature.

When combined with subsurface scattering, the chestnut leaves shine even more. Ray-traced subsurface scattering allows light to partially penetrate it, effectively capturing the soft glow of sunlight as it passes through.


#2 Depth of field

The next effect used to create our captivating close-up was depth of field. This is a fantastic way of drawing attention to the leaves’ intricate details by enabling them to be sharply in focus while the background is blurred.

This cleverly mimics the way a camera or human eye perceives close-up objects, ensuring the scene is as true to life as possible. The depth of field effect can also contribute to a soft, dreamy aesthetic, if that’s what you’re going for in your render.


#3 Real skies

What this scene needs next is a real sky. These natural-looking skies allow you to instantly recreate specific climatic conditions and atmospheres in just a click or two. Browse the full range on offer in Lumion—from moody thunderstorms to serene sunrises.

Here, we’ve added the Cloudy 1 real sky, to ensure the scene’s lighting conditions are as lifelike as possible. By tweaking the Heading slider, you can rotate the sky and sun horizontally, to get it in the perfect position. We positioned the sun behind our leaves, so it creates a pleasing halo effect.

You can also adjust the BrightnessBackground brightness, and Sun intensity sliders until the lighting is just right.


#4 Lens flare

Next in our effect stack is lens flare. This artistic addition mimics the behavior of a camera, where light sources in the frame cause streaks and flares due to imperfections or reflections inside the lens.

Incorporating it here not only enhances visual appeal by introducing a cinematic quality, it also emulates the interaction of sunlight as it comes into contact with the leaves’ surface.


#5 Vignette

The vignette effect also mimics the real-world behavior of lenses, particularly older ones—how they sometimes cause the light intensity to decrease towards the outer edges of the frame. We used it here to gradually darken the corners and edges of our image, subtly shifting the attention to the leaves we want to highlight.

Vignetting also offers an effortless way to evoke a vintage or nostalgic feeling in your renders.

#6 Color correction

Color correction is a crucial final step to ensure your renders look as natural and visually appealing as possible. This effect lets you adjust the colors, tones, and overall appearance of any image to your exact liking, so you can create a fully customized aesthetic.

In this example, we used the Crisp morning LUT at 65% intensity. We also disabled auto-exposure to better control the lighting, increased the exposure, and reduced the contrast. Lastly, increasing the mid-tones allowed the image to become brighter and more balanced, in both the foreground and background.


Zooming in on fine-detail nature

So, you know which effects to use, but which vegetation is most suitable for close-ups?

The Lumion Pro library boasts 430 fine-detail nature items, which are perfect for capturing all the details and subtleties of real-life plants and trees.

These high-quality nature models come from all around the world and are available in different growth stages, so you can clearly convey climate, geographical location, and time of year. Try placing them in the foreground of your scene to create depth and draw the viewer’s eye. To build up the background, you’ve got 1,847 regular, resource-light nature assets to choose from.

Whatever type of landscape, garden, or surrounding context you’re creating, you’ll find a species perfect for highlighting up close.

Ready to recreate this FX stack?

Try it yourself with a free 14-day trial of Lumion Pro—no credit card needed.

Lavabos modernos

Explora los nuevos fregaderos de acero inoxidable ahora disponibles en la Biblioteca Lumion.

Nuevos objetos y electrodomésticos

Combine fácilmente los nuevos objetos y electrodomésticos para crear elegantes diseños de cocina que se adapten a sus necesidades.

Estantes y menaje de cocina

Los nuevos objetos de cocina vienen en variedad de materiales (vidrio, porcelana, cerámica, madera y metal) brindándote mayores opciones para combinar y contrastar diferentes estilos y estéticas.

Iluminación Día Noche

Transfiera fácilmente de la luz natural a la artificial para transmitir diferentes estados de ánimo en diferentes momentos del día.


Textures and decals

Easily change the texture of any surface, add road markings, or show imperfections with surface decals.


Con miles de materiales de alta calidad, podrás encontrar fácilmente la textura adecuada para cada superficie exterior o importar las tuyas propias.

Nature items

Create beautifully accurate landscape designs with Lumion’s wide selection of fine-detail nature, small plants, flowers, weeds, shrubs, and more.


Achieve greater realism with lifelike reflections that appear exactly where they would in real life.

Materials and textures

Add a touch of realism to your surfaces with thousands of high-quality materials. Choose the perfect stone, brick, or wood, customize its properties, or import your own textures.


Breathe life into your design with thousands of nature items, from the smallest shrubs to the tallest trees.rees.

Terrain Context

Shape the landscape surrounding your architectural design by adding fields, mountains, and oceans at the touch of a button.

You can easily import your own custom models to give your terrains a more distinctive look.

High-quality materials

Lumion comes with a wide collection of high-quality materials that make it easy to add texture and realism to your interior surfaces.

Volumetric fire

Cast a feeling of coziness and warmth over your interior renders with easy-to-apply volumetric fire objects.

Furniture and objects

Convey the unique personality and style of each space with thousands of interior furniture, objects, plants, and decorations.

Texturas e adesivos

Altere facilmente a textura de qualquer superfície, adicione placas de sinalização ou mostre imperfeições com adesivos de acabamento.


Com milhares de materiais de alta qualidade, você pode encontrar facilmente a textura certa para cada superfície externa ou importar a sua própria.

Itens da natureza

Crie projetos de jardins lindamente precisos com a ampla seleção do Lumion de detalhes minuciosos da natureza, pequenas plantas, flores, ervas daninhas, arbustos e muito mais.

Real Skies

It takes a single click to go from a clear blue morning to a stormy afternoon or an unforgettable sunset.

Whichever mood you want to convey in your architectural renderings, you can pick from any of the 59 HDRI skies available in Lumion and instantly see the result.


Obtenha maior realismo com efeitos de reflexo realistas que aparecem exatamente onde apareceriam na vida real.

Materiais e texturas

Dê um toque de realismo às suas superfícies com milhares de materiais de alta qualidade.

Escolha a pedra, o tijolo ou a madeira perfeita, personalize suas propriedades ou importe suas próprias texturas.


Dê vida ao seu projeto com milhares de itens da natureza, desde os menores arbustos até as árvores mais altas. 

Contexto do cenário

Molde a paisagem ao redor do seu projeto arquitetônico adicionando campos, montanhas e oceanos com o toque de um botão.

Você pode importar facilmente seus próprios modelos personalizados para dar aos seus cenários uma aparência distinta.

Materiais de alta qualidade

O Lumion vem com uma ampla coleção de materiais de alta qualidade que facilitam a adição de textura e realismo às superfícies de seus interiores.

Fogo vultuoso

Transmita uma sensação de aconchego e calor em suas renderizações de interiores com objetos de fogo vultuoso fáceis de aplicar.

Móveis e objetos

Transmita a personalidade e o estilo exclusivos de cada espaço com milhares de móveis, objetos, plantas e decorações de interiores.


With thousands of high-quality materials, you can easily find the right texture for every outdoor surface, or import your own.